TWiV 1123: Europic 2024 in Jyväskylä, Finland

June 16, 2024

Vincent travels to Europic 2024 in Jyväskylä, Finland to speak with Tapani Hovi and Caroline Tapparel about their careers and their research on enteroviruses and elimination of poliomyelitis.

Host: Vincent Racaniello

Guests: Tapani Hovi and Caroline Tapparel

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Links for this episode

Survival of influenza virus on banknotes (Appl Environ Micro)

Variant EV-A71 in immunosuppressed patient (Cell Rep)

Rhinoviruses and respiratory enteroviruses (Viruses)

Isolation of poliovirus in mouse cells producing Pvr (J Clin Micro)

Outbreak of paralytic poliomyelitis in Finland (Lancet)

Role of environmental poliovirus surveillance in global polio eradication (Epi Infect)

Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!

Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

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Content in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice.

The post TWiV 1123: Europic 2024 in Jyväskylä, Finland first appeared on This Week in Virology.

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