Chel writes:

I have IBD (Crohns) and take Humira to control it. My GI doc has said that the research on IBD patients shows that IBD patients on antiTNFs like Humira mount a response to the mrna vaccines that is similar enough to the non-imnunosuppressed response and therefore do not need Evusheld.  However the CDC  states that people on antiTNF drugs do qualify for Evusheld. What is your feeling on whether IBD patients on drugs like Humira should get Evusheld? I am also 60 years old – should that be a consideration?



Jessica writes:

If two people in a household test positive for COVID several days apart, should they isolate from each other to avoid adding to each other’s viral load?


My parents live together with no one else in their household.  On Aug 17th, my dad was exposed to COVID, although he didn’t find out until after he tested positive 4 days later (Aug 21st).  Once he tested positive, my parents started masking at home and isolating from each other in hopes that my mom wouldn’t catch it.  However, another 3 days later (Aug 24th), Mom started getting a sore throat, cough, and low-grade fever, suggesting that she has caught COVID from Dad, although her rapid antigen test is still negative.

Now they are wondering whether they should continue to isolate from one another.  If they stop isolating, and Dad still has high viral load, will it make Mom’s disease worse by giving her immune system more to fight off?  In a few days, if Dad is feeling better and Mom now has high viral load, and they aren’t isolating from each other, will Dad’s recovery be hindered by having to fight off Mom’s viral particles?

Thank you,

Jessica, in Pennsylvania

(I’m submitting this question on behalf of my parents, who are avid TWiV listeners, and will be eagerly listening for Dr. Griffin’s advice on Saturday morning!)

Adrienne writes:

I have only this morning – 4:00am Sydney time (nearing the end of my night shift) looked at the TWiV website and watched the NetCast – wish I could wave HEELLLLOO!

Pretty please can you answer my questions:

I have tested positive for Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (Bacterial) twice 8/3/2020 and 16/9/2021.

In March 2020 I was seriously unwell, bed ridden, with non-stop coughing, congested nose, sore throat etc etc. At the time Australia wasn’t testing for COVID-19 unless you were in hospital on your death bed – so I don’t know if I had it then (I’m thinking obviously it was Covid-19).

When I tested positive for the Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (Bacterial) again in 9/2021, I had the same symptoms and then tested positive for COVID-19 in Dec 2021 via PCR.

1: why does the USA state the Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Walking pneumonia) is so so common yet here in Australia NOT ONE Dr / GP / Specialist has been able to tell me anything other than “it’s rare here”, “Don’t know how you got it – twice” “Do you own an Exotic Bird?” – no I don’t own an exotic bird.

2: Does M. Pneumoniae have long lasting effects? I have not felt the same since. Fatigued – genuinely fatigued. Weight loss (upwards of 10kg and unable to put back on), blocked nose, congested all the time, constant yellow/green mucus when I can get it out my sinus/off my chest, headaches (a lot) sleep problems – too much or too little,  dizziness (often), loss of taste (not smell, it’s really weird!), Major Increase in anxiety, heavy feeling on chest all the time, diarrhoea and/or constipation

Or is this what an actual doctor (not a telehealth GP consult in OZ) would say possibly LONG COVID?

And………..What causes platelet / ESR /  WCClevels to rise and fall

Pretty please can you answer my questions?

Thank you


Ron writes:

Hi Dr. Griffin: 

I have a question related to COVID booster doses (3rd dose) for children ages 5-11.  Health Canada recently approved booster doses for this age group if it has been 6 months after the primary series is complete.  I ask as my 5-year-old son would be eligible for his booster dose in January.  His history of infection and COVID vaccine is as follows: 

COVID infection in mid-February, prior to being eligible for the vaccine – confirmed with RAT

1st dose received in May 

2nd dose received 12 weeks later at the end of July 

Are there any updates regarding efficacy of the booster dose in preventing hospitalization, death and specifically long-covid for this age group? Would you recommend a booster dose? 

I would appreciate your expertise in this matter. 

I am a big fan of TWiV and appreciate your weekly clinical updates! 

Thank you 


Lily writes:

Hi Dr. Griffin, I am a huge fan of your clinical update and a huge fan of TWIV!  Thank you for everything you and Vincent and all the others do!

My brother (58 y/o) mentioned that he recently got his first-ever pneumonia shot and that he got a flu shot this past April, and said he feels well-protected. My question is, the flu shot comes out around October and I learned on TWIV that they decide on the vaccine as far back as February for the following season. So am I wrong in thinking that a shot in April would be from last season’s vaccine? And since the virus changes, it might not be the same vaccine needed for this season coming up? Also, wouldn’t antibodies from getting the shot last April have waned by the upcoming flu season this fall and winter? I guess the shot wouldn’t hurt but is he really still protected??

I hope this question makes sense and I hope you can answer it for me! And thank you again for helping us all. I really appreciate everything you do.