Stuart writes:
Dr griffin
I am treating a 65 yo gentleman with a history of guillain barre in the last five years.
Does that remain an absolute contraindication to the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines? Will any of the newer vaccines be considered safe for this gentleman?
The story is further complicated by the fact that he is a rep for an ortho prosthesis company and needs to be in the operating room. Most of the or’s where he works are demanding COVID 19 vaccination before granting access to the or
I would appreciate any advice you might offer
Stuart Waldman md
Sara writes:
Hi Dr Griffin,
What are the timing recommendations for other vaccines (flu, HPV) during and after the moderna vaccination series?
Sara in Tallahassee
Sandy writes:
I live in Texas and after the storm on Wednesday (24th), I went for my second shot sponsored by our health dept. and local hospital. They had 150+ people packed in a high school hallway for 1-1/2 + hrs before we got the shot. Zero ventilation.
I have self isolated since October, and this is the only exposure I’ve had. I’m 70 and really quite scared. I have taken 2k vitamin D for 30 years. Probably too much, but I’ve been waiting for the vaccination before I went for a checkup. I was thinking about getting a CoVid test on Tuesday. I live in a rural area and I don’t know how to find a doctor to treat this. What specialty of doctor do I look for? I would appreciate any comments. You and the entire team are doing a wonderful job.
Jean writes:
Whattabout it? I hear repeated claims that snippets of rna viruses in Covid vaccines can alter human DNA.
You have been the Star of my lockdown life. Thanks. I will be vaccine liberated in about a week