Robert writes:
Dr. Griffin and TWiV,
I am a long-time listener and lover of science. Your weekly update has been a “religious” listening event for me. One of the most important aspects you have been consistently highlighting is to “follow the science.” While this is not so romantic in the eyes of some people; conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers seem to think every aspect of pathology is linked to a vaccine or just populating the “COVID” or “Flu” box on a death certificate. I found this article posted by the McCullough Foundation (Peter McCullough. MD) creating an inflammatory base to question the recent death of a man in Louisiana. They note that the man had many co-morbidities and that the COD cannot solely be linked to H1N1; that’s just it… IF you have multiple co-morbidities you have a higher likelihood of poor outcomes with viral infections. I’m very confused about how we as a society can trust and allow a platform that is spearheaded by physicians who are known to spread misinformation to gain followers and capital… Can something like this be brought to the AMA? Where does it end?
This article was reposted to the McCullough Foundation’s LinkedIn profile and is gaining traction. The bias and disinformation are painful to read.
Thank you and the Microbe TV staff for keeping us informed and keeping our minds sharp.
Warm Regards,
Meredith writes:
Hello Dr. Griffin,
I appreciate all you do to keep us all informed about viruses. I turned 50 recently and received my first Shingrix dose. They told me to get my second in 2-6 months. I was wondering if later in that window is more efficacious. Does it make a difference?
Thank you,
Jean writes:
Hi Dr. Griffin! I’m a long-time listener to TWIV. I have a quick question. I recently turned 65. Which pneumonia vaccine should I get? The options on the CDC website are somewhat confusing. This will be my first pneumonia vaccine. Thank you and everyone at TWIV!
Jean from Alabama
Carson writes:
Hi Dr. Griffin,
I’m curious based on the TWIV 1178 question about penicillin, plus other discussion around penicillin “allergy.”
I had frequent strep throat infections as a kid, enough to warrant tonsillectomy when I was 8 (I’m now 28). I was always prescribed amoxicillin and had no issues. Close to my surgery date (don’t remember how close but I assume a week or two), I got strep again. Instead of the usual oral amoxicillin rx, I got one IM injection because the doctor wanted to make sure the infection cleared up before surgery. I felt fine but immediately broke out in a rash. The office gave me benadryl and kept me for maybe 30 minutes for observation. I had no further symptoms, but was labeled as having a penicillin allergy (and I still report that on medical forms).
One additional detail – my mother is genuinely, anaphylactically allergic to penicillin, which makes me hesitant to assume that I didn’t develop an allergy as well.
I’m not regularly prescribed antibiotics now so it’s not a huge problem, but I’m not sure what to do moving forward. Should I stop indicating that I have a penicillin allergy? Should I see an allergist? Should I just wait for it to come up in the event that I need penicillin, and then discuss with the physician?
Thanks for all you do!
Carol writes:
My son is expecting a baby 8/2025. I am going to be a grandmother, yay! I am due for a Tdap booster. When is the best time to get the booster to optimize protection for the baby. Thank you for all you do.
Carol Wong, M.D