Susan writes:

Dr. Griffin. Just was listening to your pre/post T-day podcast and two things came to mind. You were talking about vaccines. My dad was a physician , graduated ~1950 and as I grew up, i remember him saying many times: vaccines are certainly better for the population, not necessarily for the individual “.  People today generally have never heard that…

The other is a quotation for you: 

This, my dear is the greatest challenge to being alive. To witness injustice in the world and not allow it to consume our light.

Thích Nhat Hanh

PS. My dad installed seatbelts long before they were mandated. 


Karin writes

I had COVID Dec 22.  , Age 75, 3 times vaccinated. 

Long COVID symptoms are now slowly resolving , smell has partially returned , tenitis resolves for 15-20 min a week ( bursts of quiet) 

Hard to evaluate energy level at this age 

Will vaccination with the new variants cause the immune system to be boosted and cause return to worse symptoms of this auto immune disease ? 

Your show was a great comfort during the pandemic 

Thank you

David writes:

Hi Daniel,

On this week’s TWIV Clinical Update, you joked that we would never be able to pass seatbelt laws today. My father, Dr. John States, worked to pass the New York States seatbelt laws. It wasn’t easy back then either. He was always a car buff, and worked as race physician at Watkins Glen. As race physician, he realized that drivers who stayed in their cars usually survived crashes, but those thrown from the car were severely injured or died. He developed an accident injury scale and showed conclusively that the same was true for highway auto accidents as well. Even with the data, the legislature was unmoved. What finally got the law passed was the support of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. I sincerely hope we don’t repeal these laws because they save many lives every year. Airbags help, but seatbelts are probably more important.

Take care,


David States MD PhD

Ann Arbor, MI

Paul writes:

Hi Dr. Griffin,

I’m a first-year medical student interested in infectious disease and addiction medicine.

If you could waive a magic wand and have all prospective ID clinicians received training with 1-3 experimental techniques at the bench. What would they be and why?

Thank you for all you do.

All the best, 


Paul Rohde (he/him)

UTHSC College of Medicine

MD Candidate | Class of 2028

Susan writes:

I was diagnosed with Covid 10 days ago and  just completed five days of Paxlovid.( I was just about to take the booster when I got sick) . Should I get the vaccine/ booster now or take advantage of my current immunity and wait?

Many thanks for your thoughts and for all you do.

Longtime listener- 

Susan Bram PhD, P.A.-C