Eli writes:

How are the eyes of newborns protected from infection with gonococcus now that there is so much drug resistance? Do we go back to silver nitrate?


Douglas writes:
Hello Doc,

I am a 56 year old living in London. I have Type 2 Diabetes managed with Metformin and Chronic Plaque Psoriasis which is managed with Methotrexate (15mg once a week).

I have received an email from the NHS stating: “We’re inviting you to book a spring COVID-19 vaccination appointment. This is because your NHS record suggests you may have a weakened immune system.”

I have had the recommended vaccinations and received a boost last Autumn as well as having caught Covid at least once; my GP is prepared to dispense Paxlovid if I test positive again. I think that a boost in Spring would be overkill.

Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Regards and thanks for your informative podcasts.


JoAnn writes:
Dear Dr. Griffin,

I am getting ready to take a transatlantic cruise and as a precautionary measure asked my doctor for a prescription for paxlovid. I was told that the hospital group in which he works (a large NYC institution) has a policy of not prescribing paxlovid unless the patient has Covid. I do not have Covid but in case I was to contract the virus I would like to be prepared. I am a woman in my 70s with co-morbidities. My question is it possible to get a prescription for paxlovid in this situation.

As always,

Thank you for your advice.


Mark writes:

Dear Dr Griffin,

CDC recommends MMR vaccination in adults if they were born after 1957 and do not have presumptive evidence of measles immunity. I was born in 1958 and was curious what my measles antibody titers were so I paid out of pocket and had them drawn. The levels were “very high”, so I did not get another MMR. I have done no international travel in the past 3 years and there have been no measles outbreaks locally in recent years. Why are my measles titers so high? Did the titers remain high since my vaccination the 1960s?

I raised 4 kids who all had MMR vaccination. Did they shed virus after vaccination that provided a boost?


Mark Fritze MD


Ellie writes:
My cousin, who has received all the boosters, and suffers from tinnitus off and on “a lot” (in her words), said that the Covid vaccine causes tinnitus. Since you and TWiV are the only ones I trust for the facts about Covid – have there been any studies done to see if this is true?  I do plan to ask if her frequent tinnitus began since she received the Covid vaccines, or also existed before.