Today Dr. Steffanie Strathdee, Associate Dean of Global Health Sciences at UC San Diego and Co-Director at the Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics, will chat with us about how bacteriophages—viruses that attack bacteria—changed her life and are becoming part of our future.
Host: Mark O. Martin
Guest: Steffanie Strathdee
Download MM#18 (35 MB .mp3, 48 min)
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Links for this episode
- A fun video about bacteriophages.
- A pretty solid overview about bacteriophages.
- An article about the history of bacteriophages.
- An article about a truly prophetic book—“Arrowsmith”— from 1925, by Sinclair Lewis, about using bacteriophages to fight disease.
- A wonderful TED talk about the rise of antibiotic resistant pathogens by Maryn McKenna.
- A nice overview of ESKAPE pathogens and antimicrobial resistance.
- A link to a recent talk given by Dr. Strathdee.
- A link to Dr. Strathdee’s recent book, “The Perfect Predator.”
- A super recent and quite wonderful review article about phage therapy by Dr. Strathdee.
- The SEAPHAGES program (which I always wanted to be part of!!)
- Ry Young’s laboratory website.
- Dr. Strathdee’s faculty website.
- Dr. Strathdee’s Wikipedia page!
- A link to the website of the Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics (IPATH).
Intro music is by Reber Clark
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