Matters Microbial #19: You are what you(r microbes) eat

December 8, 2023

Today Dr. Suzanne Devkota of the Cedars-Sinai Division of Gastronterology and Director of the Cedars Sinai Human Microbiome Research Institute will tell us about the role that our diet plays in the gut microbiome, and how that can impact health.  So it really is true:  you ARE what you(r microbes) eat!

Host: Mark O. Martin

Guest: Suzanne Devkota

Download MM#19 (34 MB .mp3, 46 min)
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  • An overview for beginning micronauts on diet and the human microbiome, from the Harvard School of Public Health.
  • A good review article for more experienced micronauts.
  • A really informative and engaging  talk by Dr. Devkota about diet and the microbiome.
  • An article by Dr. Devkota about using the microbiome to explore health issues.
  • Another article by Dr. Devkota reviewing how dietary changes can impact the microbiome.
  • Dr. Devkota’s faculty website.
  • Dr. Devkota’s excellent laboratory website.
  • In addition, Dr. Devkota sent along two links:  one to an overview of the microbiome institute at Cedars-Sinai, and one about how the Western diet impacts the human microbiome.  

Intro music is by Reber Clark

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