Today, Dr. Esther Angert of Cornell University joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss the role her research collaborators have had studying truly gigantic bacteria, and the adaptations these enormous microbes must make to their size!
Host: Mark O. Martin
Guest: Esther Angert
Download MM#41 (41 MB .mp3, 56 min)
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Links for this episode
- A video describing the surface area versus volume problem in biology.
- A wonderful introductory essay on sizes of bacteria…both big and small.
- An older review article on giant bacteria.
- A more recent review article on giant bacteria.
- A video about Epulopiscium.
- An essay about Epulopiscium.
- An overview of Epulopiscium by Dr. Angert.
- A recent research article on Epulopiscium from Dr. Angert’s research group.
- An essay about Thiomargarita namibiensis.
- An essay about Achromatium, another giant microbe.
- An essay about the current most mammoth microbe, Thiomargarita magnifica
- A more scientific article on Thiomargarita magnifica with Dr. Angert as co-author.
- Dr. Angert’s faculty and administrative website.
- Dr. Angert’s truly wonderful laboratory website.
Intro music is by Reber Clark
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