Matters Microbial #42: Many paths to microbiology with Jessica Buchser

May 30, 2024

Today, Jessica Buchser, graduate of West Chester University and entering PhD student at Pennsylvania State University joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss being an older student, how social media and podcasts fueled her interest in the microbial sciences, and her future path as a microbiologist!

Host: Mark O. Martin

Guest: Jessica Buchser

Download MM#42 (36 MB .mp3, 50 min)
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  • The video that  Dr. Jennifer Quinn and yours truly did for Harvard University’s Microbial Science Initiative this April.
  • A link to the Microbial Science Initiative.
  • An overview of scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
  • Website for West Chester University’s Biology Department, where Jess Buchser just earned her undergraduate degree.
  • The website of Dr. John Pisciotta, one of Jess Buchser’s mentors at West Chester University.
  • The website of Dr. Manu Ramalho, one of Jess Buchser’s mentors at West Chester University (an prior podcast guest for #MattersMicrobial episode #32).
  • The website of Dr. Seth Bordenstein, who will be Jess Bucher’s PhD advisor at Pennsylvania State University in the Fall (and also a prior podcast guest for #MattersMicrobial episode #3).
  • An essay on the importance of mentors and mentorship in the microbial sciences.
  • Useful resources for older and nontraditional undergraduate students in STEM fields.  Here is another essay on this topic.

Intro music is by Reber Clark

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