Soumya writes:


I’m not quite sure who reads this email, but I have to say I really enjoyed the TwiLight panel at the University of Utah Microbial Pathogenesis retreat. Starting out with a panel changes the dynamic of a conference or symposium by making everyone accessible and making the dialogue more conversational; it was really cool to see that first-hand. I am also going to recommend a similar panel layout to my PI who is co-chair for a Neuroimmunology conference next year.

Also, I started listening to TWIV when I joined Tom Lane’s lab. My background is in bioengineering and neural tissue engineering, and when I joined Tom’s lab, I became infatuated with the new-to-me world of viruses and TWIV was a great learning resource and has just been so fun to listen to! When I started listening to TWIV two years ago, I never thought I would get an opportunity to watch a live podcast recording! Thanks for an unforgettable experience.

Given that, I’m the first student who asked a question during the panel, and just wanted to let you know that I would like a TWIV mug!

Again, thanks for an awesome experience!


Tarwin writes:

Thanks as always for the amazing podcasts.

Is there an organisation that is not connected to a specific institute that sponsors Open Access Journal submissions?

If not, would it be a good idea to start one? Maybe with a Patreon or similar?

It would require some kind of board that hands the money out – as long as enough can be got per month to sponsor these papers.

Just a thought …



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