Today, Dr. Darrell Cockburn, Associate Professor of Food Science at Penn State, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss the work his research group has done exploring how starches and other polysaccharides are used by the gut microbiome.
Host: Mark O. Martin
Guest: Darrell Cockburn
Download MM#75 (40 MB mp3, 67 min)
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Links for this episode
- An overview of dietary fiber in the diet.
- A primer on the structure of starch and cellulose.
- An overview on starch granules.
- The concept of food gelatinazation.
- An overview of “resistant” starch.
- How Febreze works!
- The concept of the glycemic index of foods.
- An article about resistant starch and colon microbiota. Another article on this topic.
- A primer on carbohydrate binding modules.
- An article describing the role of short chain fatty acids in digestion.
- An article suggesting that there is no perfect microbiome.
- An interesting article from Dr. Cockburns research group showing that microbes can work together to digest resistant starch.
- Dr. Cockburn’s academic website.
Intro music is by Reber Clark
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