Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Alan Dove, Rich Condit, and Kathy Spindler
The TWiV team consider how the kinase mTOR modulates the antibody response to provide broad protection against influenza virus, and explore the problems with scientific research.
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Links for this episode
- Two lives intertwined (Ann Rev Imm)
- John Holland, 83
- Kinase mTOR modulates antibody response (Nat Imm)
- Drug widens immunity to flu (TheScientist)
- Concerto in B (TWiV 161)
- How science goes wrong (Economist)
- Trouble at the lab (Economist)
- Reforming science (TWiV 184)
- Letters read on TWiV 257
Weekly Science Picks
Dickson – Tesla Motors supercharger
Kathy – FASEB contest: Stand out for science
Alan – Natural History Museum virtual tour
Rich – Mauna Kea heavens
Vincent – FAA expands use of electronics on planes
Listener Pick of the Week
Peter – Score and ignore (pdf)
Send your virology questions and comments (email or mp3 file) to
Wow, this was a great episode… going to have to give it a second listen after going back and re-listening to “TWiV #161: Concerto in B”
I agree with Dickson, he actually made a very good point, is that these people in the economist are referring to claims such as : “we found the cure of cancer”, or people that falsify things in transplantation of organs, that is because if someone tries to make a inordinate statement, people are going to get to validate and find the truth. It is also because most news of retraction are in these fields.