TWiV 1159: Eliminating cervical cancer, and endometrial immunity

October 19, 2024

Vincent travels to the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm to meet up with Niklas Björkström and Joakim Dillner to review their research on the endometrial immune system, and the plan to eliminate cervical cancer in Sweden.

Host: Vincent Racaniello

Guests: Niklas Björkström and Joakim Dillner

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Endometrial immune system variation (Sci Immunol) 6;41

Immune defense in the womb (News from Karolinska) 6:41

HPV vaccination and screening for elimination (Nat Comm) 40:08

Cervical cancer elimination strategies (Int J Cancer) 55:11

Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!

Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

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Content in this podcast should not be construed as medical advice.

The post TWiV 1159: Eliminating cervical cancer, and endometrial immunity first appeared on This Week in Virology.

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0 comments on “TWiV 1159: Eliminating cervical cancer, and endometrial immunity

  1. Hi guys, nice job with an interesting podcast.  I am really curious about why tlr4 signaling can in some cases help stimulate an adaptive immune response and other times restricts it. 

    Also, if you would like more people to enter the drobo drawing, maybe you could add a link on your webpage here somewhere that is easy to find.

  2. marion freistadt Oct 26, 2011

    I listened with interest to podcast #154 about journalist/researcher interactions.  The problem with finding researchers who are “Racaniello-like”, ie, willing to spend time vetting lay scientific articles, not directly about their work but in their field of expertise)  for their accuracy, was discussed as thus far intractable.
    I would like to propose a simple web-based solution, based on the (unproven, but certainly accurate) assumption that this subset of researchers has N>1.  There are many web-based lists of professionals willing to donate time or resources, for example “ask a teacher” “or recycle your equipment” type sites.  Starting with the TWIV audience, soliciting professional organizations, posting in blogs, etc, it should not be difficult to compile a list/web site of such researchers.  The site would not be responsible for what the researchers actually say, it would just be a resource for science journalists. 
    Volunteering for such work would be in the interest of the researchers, even if they are not paid, since it should improve the overall quality and accuracy of science journalism.  It would be “preaching to the choir” to remind you’all that this would contribute to a scientifically literate public, which should have great long-term benefits, such as less (wingnut) anti-vaccine sentiment, greater general understanding of evolution, less medical quackery,  a public more willing to support science education, may help elect scientifically-literate congress people (read NIH funders), etc.  The vetters cold have the option of their names being published with the article, if they need it for that all important CV.
    I am surprised such a site does not already exist.  Maybe one of your listeners is already doing it, or is aware of one.  If it doesn’t exist, I can try to make one.
    I reckon that the pool of “Racaniello-like” scientists is probably N>3, since probably Condit would do it in his field and I am willing as well.  I only object to the name. 

  3. Dylan lawless Oct 26, 2011

    I want to win a drobo so i never have to worry about loosing TWiV, TWiM, TWiP podcasts! 
    (shameless, i know)Great show though, I’m on the hunt to find out more about sterile  mice now. I don’t remember which episode, and it may have been TWIM, but one of the guests mentioned how bacteria free mice require one third more food because of the lac of flora. The thought hadn’t occurred to me  until it was mentioned. I think i learn 50% more from listening to your shows because when a topic comes up in class it’s quite likely that i have come across already with you guys. It puts things in context.
    (I just noticed today in the library that the name on the virology book that i always reach for is none other than V. R. Racaniello. So i guess i owe you about 70% of my learning)
    All the best,

  4. Ayesha Oct 27, 2011

    Hi there TWIVers!
    Thanks so much for your rockin’ podcast: I’m totally hooked! Thanks for helping me to prepare for my thesis writing phase and Viva (UK defense equivalent)
    I am incapable of getting to the contest entry quiz by entering bitly/drobotwiv. Is it only for US listeners? I get a message from bitly saying that an error has occurred shortening that link
    Our lab need some backup since some of our machines are dying. We have NO grants at the moment so it could be a help.

  5. Lance Nov 19, 2011

    I’m afraid that I am a month or so behind on listening  the TWiV so I am probably too late but here goes anyway:

    What I would do with a Drobo:

    I work on viral encephalitis in South India. This is a viral disease which kills and maims Indian children, usually in the poorest groups of society. I am running a project to try an combat this disease and this generates alot of data. I work for the University of Liverpool, UK, and as you can imagine backing up data to the University server from India is very difficult. So I would use a Drobo to back up my data for this project and to help tackle this terrible disease.